Report by Kona Vishnu, Coordinator International Affairs, AIRF, India
& Coordinator Social Media, AIRF, India
Northern Railway Men's Union (NRMU) an affiliate of All India Railwaymen's Federation (AIRF) - The oldest and largest federation on Indian Railways in its Centenary year set the ball rolling by starting the Well Being training at Branch level. On 28th May 2023 Com Vivek Kumar Singh, A well being trainer after being trained by International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) with the encouragement and guidance of Com Shiva Gopal Mishra, GS/NRMU imparted training to 25 loco pilots and their families. He observed that the workers expressed the WILL TO WIN and explained in detail to the participants, what is stress how it can be managed using different stress management techniques, how to overcome stress, counselling for a healthy life style, how to support the co-workers undergoing stress and how to avail of peer support during exigencies etc., Participants heard carefully and made out some notes for their future reference. The participants were asked to take note of the toll free no 1800-203-9733 and can call any time during the day for support and advice.
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